The Exhibition room

This is the place where I have arranged together all the wonderful stones that I have collected during my walks in the Gargano throughout my life. My wife, Silvana, has lent a magical touch to the way they are organized. And since I had to give them a showroom worthy of their beauty, I decided to transform a room in my house at Carpino (Fg) into an exhibition room. If you contact me, we can arrange a visit to the exhibition and also take the opportunity to have a guided tour of the Gargano area to discover different places where the passion for rocks can be shared. My friend, Vladimir Marrama, has designed and created the exhibition structure as he is an Abruzzese artist who is also fascinated by rocks. Other friends who have believed in this project have been very helpful to me and are thanked on the home page of this site. The Exhibition room for The Stones of the Gargano (www.le pietredelgargano).

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